I've been getting several inquiries again about which president this was intended to refer to. If you buy a print or a tee it can be any one you want. (It was done in 2007, that's all I'm sayin'.) This is the first pencil draft.
Remember Elian? Janet Reno? Hiding out in the closet while SWAT FEDS come to serve a warrant from CHILDREN'S SERVICES? Bubba's fondness for young stuff? Of course you don't. You forget so quickly.
Which, incidentally was also the gag for a New Yorker cartoon published not too long ago. That has happened at least two times. One just cannot grasp how these two seemingly disparate magazines would share such a connection.
These last two are line art drawings I send in for the initial edits to the magazine. They don't have grey tones or colors as they are not yet picked for publication. I would have thought someone would have come up with this gag by now but as it is I'm the first one, as far as I know.
The world lost another of it's guitar legends today. Les Paul was one of a kind. Never to be repeated. Those two are probably jamming among the clouds as we speak. Adios, Lester.
Colored this yesterday. It's to be a greeting card. I resemble all of these pretty much. Which father doesn't? Coming soon to a Target near you, I hope.
A Sunday strip from the unsuccessful syndication attempt of a couple years ago. I know, the joke is lame and the drawing is crappy... probably why the wise folk at the syndies didn't wish to pick it up. They are so smart those people.
I would say no since they are asking for Christmas cartoons and card ideas. Do you know how hard it is thinking of holiday stuff in the middle of summer? I'm sitting here in gym shorts with the AC blasting and fishing on my mind and they want Santa jokes.