A kid who makes horror masks has been attempting to recreate the visage of the Titan of testosterone,aka Captain Hard-On in latex. He got this idea on his own without any help from me. One must wonder what's with kids these days. Why don't they go outside and get some fresh air or something. He said he'll send me a mask of my own so more power to him. It's kind of cool to get this kind of attention for a hero such as he is. I doubt there are any others remotely like him in the world of super comics. Trouble was, his book didn't sell. It kind of hit between audiences who were either looking for a super hero or for a sexy comic. It didn't have wide appeal (as if I ever thought it would). He was fun to draw and made me some money, who could ask for more? Perhaps someday in the future when people are less hung up on propriety he'll be rediscovered and there will be a feature film made of his exploits. By then I will probably be long gone unless medical science can intervene and extend human life to unheard of lengths. It could happen!
Perhaps when the mask is released as a retail item, some kind-hearted do-gooder will don said item, pop a couple of Viagra, and then take to the streets to dispense boner-fueled justice! If that were to happen, you could rerelease the book and reap the benefits that would surely follow.
Stinks that the book didn't do well, though. It's a funny, well-drawn strip.
Then I'll sit back and wait for the movie offers!
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